So given that each person has to find their tribe…

(no, not standard format… I’ll get back to that as I start writing here again)

So given that each person has to find their tribe… I’m probably going to piss some people off. I’m a dyke-ish overly tall aging lesbian identified trans woman. So where do I fit in? Lets knock the easy ones off the list. Straight community? No way… they hunt people like me. Gays? No, they generally use us to prop up the bus. And well, … they’re guys… ewww. Lesbians. Hmmm… Almost, but the looks I get in a lesbian community often scream out FREAK! So that’s mostly a no. Hey, how about the trans community? Ummm ….no. I don’t even fit the image that most trans people in LA expect. So where? It took me a while but I figured it out. The Queer community. Where I am accepted for who I am. Where I am welcomed. Where I find love and support. As do many of the outcasts of the other groups that defy the set stereotypes. So I guess that makes me a dyke-ish overly tall aging lesbian identified trans queer. And you know what. I don’t mind. I’m at home there.


zerodevide Written by:

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